miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2024

La frustración ante una urgencia (Frustration in the face of an emergency)

La frustración ante una urgencia

Quiero hacer mención a la frustración que lamentablemente muchos vivimos cuando un caballo se pone enfermo o tiene un accidente. No los puedes coger en brazos y llevártelos al veterinario más cercano. No es tan fácil realizarles pruebas como a perros o gatos. Además, muchas pruebas u operaciones, tratamientos.... son de difícil acceso y en todo caso, caros, aunque en un momento dado no miremos tanto el gasto económico.

Y luego nos encontramos con el "valor" del caballo. Porque hay quien no mira igual a uno que a otro. Si no es de competición, o de un mayor precio, o joven, o sano... a veces encuentras profesionales que no van a preocuparse tanto de mirarles a fondo para ver lo que le pasa.

Me han llegado a decir que es que no tenía que mirar tanto, o que es que me preocupaba mucho. Pero es que aún así, aun buscando tanto, no pude salvarle, porque no siempre es fácil diagnosticar a un caballo.

Además, Melen se puso enfermo a finales de julio. Llamé o escribí a muchos profesionales, y prácticamente todos estaban fuera, de vacaciones. Y lo entiendo. Pero me frustré y mucho, porque me costaba aceptar lo que estaba pasando.

Y no digo que se pudiera haber salvado en esos días, todo fue muy rápido. Pero no pude evitar sentirme atada de manos al ver cómo empeoraba y no podía hacer nada más que pedir pruebas y estar a su lado día y noche.

Pero APRENDÍ, porque de todo se aprende, que al final lo que nos queda es esto, el ESTAR. Estuve con Melen durante tres semanas en las que no dormía más de 4-5 horas al día. Y a su vez, yo tuve a algunas personas que estuvieron preguntando, preocupadas... Y me di cuenta de que esto es lo que VALE LA PENA. Y por esto, además de intentar todo lo posible, decidí pasar tiempo con él, porque si Melen se iba, me quedaría con los momentos vividos juntos. Y le di tantas vueltas, que me di cuenta de que muchas veces no podemos cambiar los acontecimientos, solo llevarlos lo mejor que podamos, SACAR LO BUENO Y EXPRIMIRLO.

No podemos frustrarnos por cambiar lo que está pasando, si tenemos la tranquilidad de saber que estamos haciendo todo lo que está en nuestras manos. Y que a veces incluso una situación así te da tiempo a despedirte.

Por tanto, me frustré en el camino, pero no me llevo ninguna carga de lo que pude hacer y no hice, porque hicimos todo lo que estaba en nuestras manos. Aprendí sobre todo lo que pasó a mi alrededor, descubrí a personas a las que creía que ya conocía, pero no era así, y a aceptar situaciones que antes me costaba llevar. Y aprendí a dejar ir de manera más serena.

Frustration in the face of an emergency (English version)

I want to mention the frustration that many of us unfortunately experience when a horse gets sick or has an accident. You can't pick them up and take them to the nearest vet. It is not as easy to test them as it is with dogs or cats. Furthermore, many tests or operations, treatments... are difficult to access and, in any case, expensive, although at a given moment we do not look so much at the financial expense.

And then we find the "value" of the horse. Because there are those who do not look at one person the same as another. If it is not competitive, or of a higher price, or young, or healthy... sometimes you find professionals who are not going to worry so much about looking closely to see what is happening to them.

They have even told me that I didn't have to look so much, or that I was worried a lot. But even so, even though I tried so hard, I couldn't save him, because it is not always easy to diagnose a horse.

Additionally, Melen became ill at the end of July. I called or wrote to many professionals, and practically all of them were away on vacation. And I understand it. But I got very frustrated, because it was difficult for me to accept what was happening.

And I'm not saying that he could have been saved in those days, everything happened very quickly. But I couldn't help but feel like my hands were tied as I watched him get worse and I couldn't do anything but ask for tests and be by his side day and night.

But I LEARNED, because you learn from everything, that in the end what we are left with is this, BEING. I was with Melen for three weeks in which I didn't sleep more than 4-5 hours a day. And in turn, I had some people who were asking, worried... And I realized that this is what is WORTH IT. And for this reason, in addition to trying everything possible, I decided to spend time with him, because if Melen left, I would keep the moments we lived together. And I thought about it so much that I realized that many times we cannot change events, we can only handle them as best we can, TAKE OUT THE GOOD AND SQUEEZE IT.    

 We cannot get frustrated trying to change what is happening if we have the peace of mind of knowing that we are doing everything in our power. And sometimes even a situation like this gives you time to say goodbye.

Therefore, I was frustrated along the way, but I do not carry any burden of what I could have done and did not do, because we did everything in our power. I learned about everything that happened around me, I discovered people I thought I already knew, but I didn't, and to accept situations that I previously found difficult to deal with. And I learned to let go in a more serene way.

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